Cluster Documents

Principles and activities

Strategic goals:

  • modernisation of railway system in the region;
  • harmonization of standards of railway systems in Southeast Europe;
  • increase of productivity and competitiveness in the international market;
  • improved external reputation and better positioning with EU and Brussels;
  • PR activities in the EU for improved financial support to national
    railways in the region;
  • initiate implementation of innovative technologies in the region, and
  • increased transparency in this process;
  • Psynchronisation of laws and regulation in the region with the EU, enabling
    intensified passenger and cargo transfer in this part of Europe;
  • Pdevelopment of public-private partnership in the railway sector in the region;



  • creation of quality databases;
  • international cooperation;
  • large annual regional Conference of the cluster (held every year in another
  • organisation of other events (regional member meetings, roundtables work,
    with regional media and the public);
  • coordination of national railways for active participation in joint activities and
    fulfilment of strategic goals of the cluster);
  • cooperation and intensified communication with municipal governments in the region;


Cluster sectors:

  • education and certification
  • logistics, infrastructure and IT
  • international cooperation and strategic planning


Cluster Conference:

– Held annually in a rotating manner (each time in a different state of the region whose companies are members of the cluster), the Cluster Conference is attended by all cluster members.

– Cluster members and cluster sectors give their proposals at the annual conference, where they are accepted or denied by majority of votes. Proposals which are accepted become a part of Cluster’s plan of action between the two annual conferences, with the Presidency to oversee its realization.

– Cluster members from each country choose their representatives in the Presidency with a two-year mandate.

– Members of Presidency are chosen representatives of each country, and a representative of AEbt (initiator from the EU railways system) and BSN (operational executives in the Southeast Europe region). Members of the Presidency choose President as first among equals that presides over the Presidency of the cluster.

– Cluster Conference may form separate working and expert groups according to the needs and provide additional budgets for their functioning, if there is an approval from the cluster members.


Cluster Presidency:

– Presidency executes the decisions of Annual Cluster Conference and provides the report of its work between two conferences to all cluster members at least 15 days before the annual conference.

– Presidency decides by the consensus of its members. All decisions where the consensus cannot be reached go to the Annual Conference of the Rail Cluster SEE.

– Presidency executes the decisions of annual conference in cooperation with BSN as an operational executive in the region, and AEbt as a partner from the EU.

– Presidency delegates its members for communication with EU institutions and other global and regional partners. Permanent representative of this body is the Cluster President.

– Presidency can name their members to be a President and Executive Director of the Cluster with a two-year mandate in order to deal with operational issues and implementation of the decisions of the annual Cluster Conference.