Artificial Intelligence in Railway and Mobility Value Chain
The new European “Acceleration Event” was held in Florence titled “Artificial Intelligence Made Easy for Railway and Mobility Value Chains – AI-Enabled Railway and Mobility Applications to Boost European Industrial Value Chains. – Use-Cases and Tools for Products, Services, Operations, Business Models”.
The event took part with a two-day programme aiming to provide participants with a complete path of knowledge on Artificial Intelligence, starting from the fundamentals, going through a wide range of use-cases in rail, mobility and multimodality, and completing the path with working groups, an overview of the national and European tools and funds already available, and the last but not least topic of the skills needed to introduce the technology, both as users and developers. The participants were enabled to become ‘more autonomous’ in being able to conceive and develop solutions that make use of this advanced technology to provide ever better solutions for the railway sector.
The event was organised in the framework of the EU-funded project “STARS – STrategic Alliances boosting Railway Smes”, in the framework of the new EDIH-European Digital Innovation Hub “AI MAGISTER”, and as initiative of ERCI-European Railway Clusters Initiative. The event also benefited from the collaboration with the EDIH Tuscany X.0, EEN-Enterprise Europe Network Eurosportello and DIH-Digital Innovation Hub Toscana.